Website Development

5 Effective Ways You Can Monetise Your Website

A website is an essential part of a business. It serves as a brand’s first impression, and it helps the visitor get to know more about the company and the product or service. If all goes well, that visitor will be encouraged to act, whether it is purchasing or donating to a cause.

Your website needs to be engaging to attract traffic. This involves generating engaging content for visitors to gain your trust and recommend your page to other potential customers. A website must also be visually appealing and easy to navigate. Therefore, many businesses hire SEO companies and web design services to optimise their website’s content and design. For example, developing an SEO strategy with professional support means that if you were based in a small town like Brentwood, your website could be designed to target a geographic area, a particular sector or all comers.

Aside from providing information about your company and encouraging visitors to buy or donate, your website can also bring you passive income. If well executed, the site can help you earn extra funds that can cover basic expenses and improve your cash flow.

Here are seven passive income strategies to try on your website:

Ad Placement

This type of advertising is a straightforward way to monetise your site. Simply sign up for Google AdSense, choose relevant ad content and add the HTML code to your website. Google will place the ads to your site, and you’ll earn when a visitor clicks on the ad. Take note that Google AdSense requires you to have a Google account, original content, a phone number and a postal address. Moreover, your website must have at least 50 visitors daily, and should not include adult themes or use excessive profanity.


If you’ve been posting about a specific topic, visitors will most likely recognise you as an expert on the subject matter. Leverage that expertise and use the website to offer consultancy services. Advertise consultations on your front page, schedule one-on-one meetings, and charge an hourly rate or a retainer. Add testimonials of your clients to the website to prove you are an authority on the industry, and encourage more traffic and better responses to calls to action.


Asking for donations is an excellent passive income strategy for non-government organisations and charities. Donations are not a fast road to profits, but if visitors like the content on the website and would like to support the cause financially, it will help cover your overheads. It’s easy to set up a GoFundMe or a PayPal donation button on your website.

Remember that donations aren’t an ideal passive income strategy for all sites. If you’re planning on encouraging your visitors to buy a product or service, asking for donations might turn off potential customers.

Guest Posting or Sponsored Posts

Websites or blogs continuously need new content, so take advantage of your traffic numbers by writing paid posts. For example, if your website is about fashion, collaborate with a clothing store to create a post on outfits your readers can try on for the summer. These kinds of posts show that other businesses trust you.

Online Resources

Designing websiteNo matter what business you’re in, there’s a way to earn money by selling resources like e-books, online courses and templates. If your website or blog is about fitness, consider selling an e-book with tried-and-tested exercises. You can also upload do-it-yourself videos for cooking, and arts and crafts. Doing so helps diversify your revenue sources.

Passive income strategies go hand in hand with creating engaging web content that delivers value to your current and potential customers. Each method has its benefits and drawbacks, but they all help you maximise your knowledge and expertise while building stronger relationships with your audience. Over time, your passive income efforts will bring in extra money that you can use to pay for short-term expenses. That way, the rest of your earnings from the organisation will be dedicated to bigger goals.

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