Marketing always goes hand-in-hand with running a business. However, with the increased amount of competition, ads and marketing materials can easily get lost in the mix. Thinking of ways to make your brand stand out can be difficult, especially if you’re a fledgling start-up or is in an oversaturated industry.
Why not use humor in your own marketing? It may be easier than you think, particularly if you have already set up some great photos, videos, and stories online, which are still available to be repurposed for other purposes (including reaching a wider audience).
And don’t forget that we all spend a lot of time on our phones these days, so why not use humor to make yourself stand out from the crowd? In this article, we’ll be looking at why you should implement humor in your marketing and how you can achieve that.
Providing Context through Humor
Humour is often best when used as an introduction to something you know your audience will want to hear about — such as a new product launch or a big announcement like the launch of a new website, for example (you can read more about this tactic here). However, if you use humor as a lead-in to your pitch, it should be short and sweet to avoid diluting the impact of what you’re trying to say.
This is particularly effective if your product or service has an associated difficulty. For example, a CSCS green card program is difficult as it is, so you need to send the message a bit more positively. Even a driving school can benefit by joking with the process of learning a car. Not only does the disarming humor make the audience feel more open and willing, but it also gives them information that they need to know.
Humor Gives Your Brand Personality
Your posts should be seen as “filler” that highlights your brand’s personality – not all serious all the time – and brings out the fun side to its operations or products/services without coming across as tacky or cheapening the brand image (aka the company itself).
Great example: The fun, friendly way in which (for example) an airline advertises a flight or a website sells tickets (or their own product or service) is something that works well for them because they want people to know what their brand stands for but also that it’s got a sense of humor about itself as well.
Memes Are Both Informative and Funny
Almost everyone has seen memes. These are pictures complemented with funny captions that often reflect relatable experiences. Not only does this type of content that makes us chuckle help make us social butterflies. It also works for businesses looking to stand out in a crowded marketplace and connect with consumers on a deeper level through their eyes and ears (and maybe even nose).
Memes are the new infographics: they can pack the same punch but with less effort and lower cost of entry than traditional graphics and stats-based content, making them an ideal way to connect and engage with target audiences in the digital age.
So how do you apply humor in your marketing campaign? Below are some tips.
Think of How Your Audience Will React.
As a marketer, you must remember your audience when using humor to spread your company’s message, product, or service to others in the world today. Whether through television commercials, print ads, or e-mail marketing, you need to value your clientele throughout every step of your advertising campaign. That way, they will know that you care about their needs and wants.
Keep Trying!
At the same time, you should understand that not every funny post will have the same effect as the one pictured here; it takes time and effort to get your campaign going and once it does, keeping up the momentum is key to its success!
Social Media Is Not about Marketing (though that’s fun, too!)
Social Media isn’t just a marketing tool. It’s an opportunity to connect with your followers and build meaningful relationships with them daily. The humor you provide can be something that makes them chuckle through their daily life.
Pay Attention to Current Humorous Trends.
When new jokes pop up, it’s often run to the ground that they stop being funny immediately. And that’s fine! Jokes are meant to be like that, so don’t feel bad that you’re jumping on the bandwagon of jokes.