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The Significance of Awareness and Credibility in Content Creation

Everywhere on your phone is content. Instagram has photos of influencer advertising products. Twitter has big corporations tweeting about being tired or catching up on the latest memes. Facebook has interesting articles shared by your friends or the pages you follow. Most significantly, every single result on Google is content. It's no surprise that companies in London are taking advantage of CMS development tools.

In marketing, content is crucial. It's one way to stay relevant in times of political correctness and information dissemination. This is why you should protect your brand by staying in the know and remaining credible by following these two tips:

Stay woke

Nothing can be worse for your brand than be "cancelled" by the internet. YouTube content creators are big proofs of this because they lose a ton of subscribers for every drama that arises. Manny MUA, with over 4 million subscribers, lost 250,000 followers after presumably going after Jeffree Star. Another example is James Charles, whose subscriber count went from 16.5 million to 13.8 million after being "cancelled" by Tati Westbrook.

While these examples do not directly exhibit political awareness, they illustrate the power of "cancel culture," a form of boycotting influential personalities, brands, and companies. However, the power of "cancel culture" is not in unfollowing or unsubscribing. It's in the calling out of big personalities for their racism, homophobia, misogyny, among other issues.

It’s crucial to stay informed and aware of current issues to avoid offending minorities and oppressed groups. The internet is a vast resource of information, so—as a content creator—you should stay well-read to influence the minds of your readers effectively.

Remember that it’s not because of the perceived hypersensitivity of the younger generations. It’s about respect and the acknowledgement of societal struggles in minor groups.

Research, research, research.

While the internet is a never-ending pool of information, it can also be a filthy trench of unwarranted “facts”. Take, for example, fake news. Fake news takes on different forms like "fabricated stories posing as serious journalism" and "written pieces and recorded segments promoting false information or perpetuating conspiracy theories." A study that aims to answer the question, "Who falls for fake news?", has shown that the way people receive fake news is similar to the way cognitive functions process made-up, randomly-generated sentences that essentially do not make sense, and the best way to combat this is through analytical thinking.

When dealing with facts, check on the reliability of the website. Is it well-established? Do they site or link their sources? Sites that are .edu, .org, .gov, and the like are credible since they are well-researched, unbiased, and based on Census statistics. You would also want to cite studies from online journals because it is guaranteed that the information they contain has been researched with the evidence presented. Also, while you’re at it, try to check on the grammar and structure because let's face it: Would you trust an article riddled with grammatical errors?

The times are changing, and younger generations are caring more about human rights and political awareness. They are also more careful about the information they receive. As a content creator, you should also cater to these changes.

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