What to Do When a Business Fails

Owning a business is tricky and complex. Add economic instability and increasing competition to the picture and you’ll understand the basic gist of why businesses fail. According to the Small Business Association, about 30% of newly opened businesses fail in the first two years of operation. Furthermore, 50% of enterprises close down during the initial five years.

If you are a business owner whose company also seems to be hanging on a thread, don’t let your stress and panic affect your decision-making. There are several practical ways to resolve your business troubles. In this guide, we’ll provide you with much-needed lifelines approved by business experts.

Evaluate and address the issue

Identifying problems

Determine the “why” behind your company’s problems. By identifying the root cause, you can devise a suitable plan to properly address the issue.

In line with that, conduct an objective assessment of your internal business operations. Know whether your capital and managing costs are inadequate or excessive. You also have to evaluate the performance of your employees.

Depending on the results, the game plan may be to scale back and downsize or alter budget allocation to give priority to financing more essential matters. You should also determine if there are discretionary expenses, as these can strain your financial resources without giving any positive impact on your business.

Seek the support of business experts

Asking for the recommendation of a professional business consultant can be beneficial. Moreover, if you wish to implement new projects, you can also hire short-term project managers who will be tasked with crafting strategies and supervising your personnel while the business is undergoing recovery.

The effectiveness of employing external professionals is grounded on the fact that their perspectives are not clouded or influenced by any biases relating to the internal workings of the business. Thus, they can resolve issues with a rational and objective approach.

Relocate your enterprise


The location plays an integral part in the visibility and profitability of a business. If you’re not exposed to the right target market, you can lose a lot of business opportunities. However, before deciding to make the big move, it’s vital that you conduct extensive research on various acclaimed business locations and do studies and analyses of their market’s psychographics and level of demand.

Utah is a secure option for relocation, considering that it has been recognized by WalletHub for having the best state economy, by MSN Money as the top state for business, and by Business Facilities for placing first in the state rankings for best business climate.

Sell your business

Selling company

If you already feel worn and burned out by handling complicated corporate matters, it may be a healthier and wiser decision to just sell the business. This way, you can recover some costs while allowing yourself to have a fresh start. You can freely pursue a different career path or explore other industries by ridding yourself of a load of a failing business.

When selling an unprofitable business, it’s important that you identify your strengths to make them your grounds for negotiating the price. You should also take note of your assets such as innovative technology or clientele history when estimating the value of your company. Lastly, it’s indispensable to avail of professional legal services to ensure that you are protected and guided in every step of the sale transaction.

Running a business is indeed difficult. However, when faced with undesirable circumstances, it’s best to always stay level-headed and carefully assess the situation in order to deliver a logical and efficient course of action.


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